Famous Comic book Artist Mike Mignola and his wife Christine raise money for charity

Hellboy was my first ever graphic novel and then my interest just exploded into other comic book works. And sooner or later, I lost track of what I liked more, the creation Hellboy and his character and life story or the creator Mike Mignola himself. That is how much I have become a fan of Mr Mike Mignola's work.

Mr Mike Mignola's works have a certain signature about them, they are always played by light, a simple but brilliant and a very unique signature. Of all the brilliant minds that Mignola has worked with, the pair Mike Mignola and Dave Stewart has been my favorite so far.

Celebrating his works is way beyond the scope of this one post. That would probably take several posts and would need anecdotes from very many folks who have worked with him and met him and geeked out with him. I am writing this post to celebrate something else - the charity that Mr Mike Mignola and his wife Ms Christine Beatty Mignola have been doing - to raise money where all the proceeds go to World Central Kitchen (WCK)

It is popular talk that Mr Mignola made many sketches during Covid-19 quarantine lockdown in the year 2020. These were later compiled into a book called "The Quarantine Sketchbook" and was released in the States in March 2021 by Dark Horse publications. 

In the past, Mr Mignola has put up a variety of original art for auctions where the money generated from the sales went to help the efforts of WCK. in the last week of November 2022, Ms Christine posted that the original art from the Quarantine Sketchbook were gonna be auctioned off too with the same charitable notions. Fans were thrilled. Between Nov 30 2022 and Dec 30 2022, every three days, the Mignolas would post a set of 3 or 4 original arts and they would be auctioned on eBay. Once the sale ended, they would post another set. So that was 10 sales in total and 30 total sketches.

Here's the snpashots of the sales on eBay

While the inside art sold for various amounts, depending on the interests, there was the final icing on the cake piece, the original art of the cover for the Quarantine Sketchbook. 

This beautiful piece sold for a whopping $40,100. And rumor was that some generous donor was gonna double this. All proceeds went to WCK efforts worldwide.

The Mignolas are truly gems of people. My adoration of their talents just keeps growing higher and higher.


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