making the eggless Pillsbury Cooker Cake

This was one of my most relished adventures and the first of its kind.. baking a cake. I am a vegetarian who stays away from cakes cos of the egg content. It so happened when i was browsing the shelves in the local supermarket, i hit upon this pack that read "Pillsbury Eggless Cooker Cake - Rich Chocolate Flavoured Mix". Hmm.. a cake mix.. wow! and eggless!!?? woooooooowww!!! Well i took the bet and i bought it.
The recipe was quite simple. Did not require any special exotic ingredients.

1)Take a bowl and add the cake mix to about two tablespoons of oil and 100ml of milk. Stir well so that the consistency is that of thick paste that is viscous enough yet free to flow from one bowl to the other. Make sure all the powder is gone and batter is completely semi solid. Add some raisins to the mix. Scatter some nut bits here and there.
2) Take a relatively thick vessel that is atleast 5 inches wide. I took a 5.5 - 6 inch vessel. Worked fine.
3) Grease the pan. Now whats greasing? Greasing is done so that the cake does not stick to the sides of the pan in the process of baking. Greasing agents are many, vegetable oil, ghee or clarified butter, butter. I used vegetable oil. Use you finger or the back of a spoon to give a uniform coat of the greasing agent in the insides of the pan.
4) Once greased, pour the batter into the pan.
5) Take a pressure cooker, 3 litres or above and place a stand on it. Fill it with 1 inch depth of water. Place the batter filled pan on the stand and apply the lid and cook on medium flame for 30 mins. (i took it off in close to 23 - 25 mins). DO NOT PUT WEIGHT/WHISTLE.
6) After 30 mins, slowly remove the lid to let the steam escape and heat without lid for another 5 mins.
7) Insert a knife into the cake. It should have beautifully leavened up to bulge on top now :) Its said the cake is done when the knife comes out clean. Its ok if there's a little cake on the knife. Don't be so prudish :)
8) Allow the cake to cool for 1 hour before serving.
9) Relish your cake and share with loved ones.

Add value to your resume! Ha ha!

Pillsbury Eggless cooker cake is also available in Golden Vanilla flavour. The pack is for making 250g cake and is priced at Rs. 50 in India in Oct 2009.


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