The stuff of LEGEND! Shelby Cobra signed Limited Edition from Hot Wheels

What makes a diecast model special? Why do people go crazy over some miniature replicas? Because it gives them a sense of belonging, something they can identify themselves with. Its very similar to following your favorite band tour across the country, watching every film acted by your favorite movie star and ordering the same specialty pizza you love from that pizza store!

I once remember giving a total stranger who drove a black Mazda MX-5 Miata, a scaled matchbox model and that totally made his day! So, in continuation with my earlier answer, some people collect specific models simply because they dig them. Others collect models that are replicas of iconic legends. A good bunch of them collect everything that appeals to their eyes and make a visual treat out of a display.

But what makes a diecast like hot wheels, that's already loved and collected, even more special? When its autographed by the diecast designers, the racers who drove the original car or in a rare case, the person who created the very car. In this post, that particular person is the stuff of legend, Shelby Cobra.

In the year 1996, Shelby Heart Fund and Mattel collaborated to create a 1:64 diecast replica of one of the most powerful cars ever built in American History - the 1965 Shelby Cobra 427 S/C. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the diecast models supported the Shelby Heart Fund that raised money to pay for the heart operations for indigent children.

It is very rare to stumble upon a piece like this, one that has been signed by the man himself, the story goes that the friend of the friend whom I got this from, his mother used to work with Shelby and one fine day, got this signed by the legend and gifted it to her son. The fact I chanced upon this and was lucky enough to get it from my friend when he offered it up is the very definition of serendipity.


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