one for the new year 2013!!

here's one for the new year!!!
somehow, i wanna do a bit of everything i like to do all year long, on new year's day
and i realise i have to
  • read a book
  • practise some calligraphy
  • watch a movie
  • listen to music
  • indulge in a little bit of art
  • buy a coin or stamp on ebay
  • solve a crossword
  • solve a sudoku
  • write a blog post (yay! thats done)
  • chant slokas
  • go to the temple
  • ride the bike
  • play some angry birds or bad piggies
  • get my hands on a new hot wheels
  • call on people
wow! just a few minutes i think about what i wanna do and a horde of things start piling up
well, i'm off to get started on the other ones..


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