Why is it important to read novels like Harry Potter?

As one grows every year, the brain accumulates more and more information and the speed with which the information can be recovered depends on how organized the information is and how fast has the brain been trained to map and fetch references. Some ways in which the brain can be trained to be active and awake is to break the routine. When the body is trained to do something on a habitual basis, the excellence of the human design is to become able to do it without any real effort going into it. This is how you take the turn at the right place, from work to home even when you're listening to music or talking to a friend by your side. So when you're doing a routine, you can be sure that your brain is virtually uninvolved. So to make it awake, break the routine! Do things, usually done with the right hand, with the left and vice-versa.

One such way to equip the brain, to be more organized is to present more data to it and segregate them well. This can be done by reading novels set on a theme. For example, Harry Potter. When you read a novel like Harry Potter, that is based on an entirely different world of a magical perspective, just look at what all you come across.

You first read a variety of Wizards' and Witches' names to remember, a horde of spells, a variety of magical creatures, potions and concepts such as time-turners, quidditch, horcruxes and other magical objects. So the first part of having so much of information is accomplished. Now how to get to Step 2? Simple. Keep questioning. When you're bored, ask yourself what is the shattering spell? What is the spell for disarming? Which potion brings luck? Which wizard was met by Harry at Diagon Alley? Who's the head of Hufflepuff House? Find the answers. It often so happens that the more number of times something is refreshed, the more fluent the brain is with the ideas and hence better is the speed of retrieval.

I'm hereby not making some sort of canvassing for Harry Potter but the idea is any such novel set on a peculiar theme and involving many things to remember and recollect does the job.


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