Useful GRE Links!

GRE - the dream of all the MS aspirants.
GRE, the Graduate Record Examination is the first step in working towards a Masters/Ph.D in a foreign university.

Instrumental things in preparing for a GRE:

1) Choosing a favourable time to take up the GRE. It is recommended that to apply for the fall openings, (the one that begins in July, Aug), one completes his or her GRE by or before September of the previous year.
2) Have three months for preparation.
3) Get a good study material. Though there is no intention of advertising any brand, Barrons is one of the best. Start with Barrons. Work through every chapter. Be committed learning one new wordlist and revising an already learnt word list, everyday. Stick to a schedule!
4) Once you've finished Barrons, start taking Tests. Kaplan and the Big Book offer invaluable tests that not only give you a good test-taking experience but also serve as an abundant source of different questions.
5) Learn from Powerprep. Not just the practice tests, but even the sample questions in each of verbal, quants and analytical. It is supposed to be a very near evaluation of your performance in the actual test.

Some really useful GRE links:

As can be seen, the above three sites are blogs, that have proven wonderful in orienting your thought process to the GRE.
4) - an amazing site that requires a free sign up. You can have an account and you can learn new words everyday through a Vocabulary Builder. You can also take upto two tests in each section like analogies, sentence completions, antonyms and the like and you can measure your percentile standing
5) - a place where aspirants and people who have taken the exam can come together and pose and clear questions reg the exam
6) - has loads of analogies though it doesn't tell you the bridges or give you all the choices. A good one if you just wanna skim thro' them when you are not actually learning. Skimming greatly increases the mapping activity in your brain and enhances retentivity.
7) - a too good site to be described, that offers you valuable suggestions and tips for your GRE and gives you invaluable help with things to be done after GRE, applying, preparing SOPs and stuff like that.
8) - a very similar purpose as the one above, aimed in giving information about various universities listed by courses and specialization.

Just a tip here..
There are also many other sites that help for the GRE.
But to sum up, these sites do a great job.


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