
Showing posts from November, 2009

So lost your Firefox bookmarks when you have a new system?

So bought a new system? Or a laptop? Thinking that you'll have to go through the mess of tagging all those bookmarks again in Mozilla Firefox? Well you don't have to!! These folks are amazing. They've seen through some of the most remotely visible problems and have provided fixes for them. In order to transfer bookmarks (the jargon is import bookmarks ) from a firefox running on one system to another, go to the firefox on the system where you have all the bookmarks. Click on Bookmarks -> Organize Bookmarks -> Import and Backup -> Export HTML. Save the bookmarks as a html page, say bookmarks.html. Get this to the new system or the one where you want all the bookmarks. Open Firefox. Click Bookmarks -> Organize Bookmarks -> Import and Backup -> Import HTML. Choose "From an HTML File". A dialog box opens. Select the bookmarks.html which you brought from the "other" firefox. tadaa!!!! All your bookmarks which you had on the firefox in your...

making the eggless Pillsbury Cooker Cake

This was one of my most relished adventures and the first of its kind.. baking a cake. I am a vegetarian who stays away from cakes cos of the egg content. It so happened when i was browsing the shelves in the local supermarket, i hit upon this pack that read "Pillsbury Eggless Cooker Cake - Rich Chocolate Flavoured Mix". Hmm.. a cake mix.. wow! and eggless!!?? woooooooowww!!! Well i took the bet and i bought it. The recipe was quite simple. Did not require any special exotic ingredients. 1)Take a bowl and add the cake mix to about two tablespoons of oil and 100ml of milk. Stir well so that the consistency is that of thick paste that is viscous enough yet free to flow from one bowl to the other. Make sure all the powder is gone and batter is completely semi solid. Add some raisins to the mix. Scatter some nut bits here and there. 2) Take a relatively thick vessel that is atleast 5 inches wide. I took a 5.5 - 6 inch vessel. Worked fine. 3) Grease the pan. Now whats greasing? G...